When you are in alignment, life feels right. Things are easier. Everything works. You feel alive, supported, passionate, and lit up from within. Next Living With Purpose Live Class is May 5th. I hope you'll join us in living a conscious life. https://marlynaconsulting.com/living-with-purpose/
When you are in alignment, life feels right. Things are easier. Everything works. You feel alive, supported, passionate, and lit up from within. Next Living With Purpose Live Class is May 5th. I hope you'll join us in living a conscious life. https://marlynaconsulting.com/living-with-purpose/

VIDEO – Introduction to Classical Feng Shui

This week, I want to share with you an old but really good Joey Yap YouTube video on Classical Feng Shui.  You’ve heard me say real Feng Shui is about direction and location. Joey will show you how to find you personal Life Gua number, and how to use that information to tap into Qi.

Introduction to Classical Feng Shui

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

video credit: The Feng Shui Channel

Gua Numbers Chart


image credit: Pure Classical Feng Shui

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