Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:

Navigating 2022 – Advanced Feng Shui + BaZi for Water Tiger

Navigating 2022 – Year of the Water Tiger

Feng Shui and Astrology for Advanced Students

with Master Marlyna Los

Welcoming the Year of the Water Tiger.

December 3rd, 2021 | 9:30 – 3:30 pm

Opportunities, Obstacles, Spiritual Doorways… What you choose is up to you.

2022 is a powerful year.  Your choices and actions in 2022 are the seeds you plant for the next 12 years.

In the 2022 chart, the Water Tiger is the Year and Month Pillar, and Earth Rat is the Day Pillar.

Water Tiger is one of the 10 Spiritual Pillars in BaZi. Two Spiritual Pillars guiding us, the Portals are open for spiritual growth.  The Day Pillar for the 2022 is Earth Rat, symbolizing clouds and mist surrounding a mountain (Illusions, Distraction, and Dreams).

In flying stars, the 5 moves to the middle.  We are moving into Age 9. Age 9 is Fire, all pointing us to extreme Polarities and ultimately transformation.  What does it all mean? 

2022 – Expect the unexpected as anything can and will happen.    

Fear or Love?  Separation or Connection?  Opportunities or Chaos?  Using your Brain or your Heart?  Victim, Martyr, or an Agent of Conscious Change.  What do you choose? 

Ultimately – We are powerful co-creators of our destiny.   We are conscious beings. Our vibrations attract our reality.   We live in a world where we are co-creators of our reality.  

I love metaphysics!   By understanding who we are, and how time is affecting us, we can guide the boat to support our goals, to see through the illusions, to understand what’s happening and choose to take responsibility for who we are and what is possible.

Join me on the new Moon Friday Dec 3rd as I share the insights and actions for the remaining months of the Metal Ox year and what’s coming in Water Tiger year.

This class is open only to my current and previous students of BaZi and Feng Shui.

It will be recorded, no need to attend live, but as it is the New Moon, I encourage you if possible, to attend live.

Class will be 9:30 – 3:30 Vancouver time.

You will learn:

  • The overall energy and importance of the times we live in now
  • How Water Tiger interacts with each Day Master positively and negatively
  • How to see everything as an opportunity
  • Feng Shui dos and don’t for 2022
  • How to work with the annual flying stars and 4 nobles in 2022
  • How best to work with the flying star for each gua in 2022
  • What challenges and opportunities lie ahead globally
  • 2022 Tarot for your Destiny Number

And more…

This is a class for those you who wish to co create from your heart, to take responsibility for your life, and are looking to create conscious change.

Fee for this class is $198.  

Class includes pdf of the powerpoint and 3 months access to the video replay.