Living With Purpose is a membership-based community designed for those who seek to connect with their soul’s purpose and embrace a life of abundance, clarity, and empowerment.
Living With Purpose is a membership-based community designed for those who seek to connect with their soul’s purpose and embrace a life of abundance, clarity, and empowerment.



I’ve had the privilege of teaching many incredible students and have consulted with amazing businesses over the years.
Here is what some of them have to say:

nesses over the years. Here is what some of them have to say:

Ewa Szymura

“I am an architect from Dublin (Ireland) and this summer I flew to Vancouver to study three weeks Feng Shui Mastery course with Marlyna. I found this course extremely interesting, practical and well scheduled. As a dyslexic person, I was very happy with the clear and handy cheat sheets and other materials that we all were provided with.

Marlyna is a very dedicated teacher with a knowledge not only on Feng Shui and BaZi but also astrology which brings a wider perspective on the subjects and makes the studying even more interesting. I am very grateful to Marlyna for all her work and her great generosity and maturity in passing her broad knowledge on to the students.

I really enjoyed every moment of the summer course and I already miss the teacher and my classmates. As an architect who just finished Feng Shui course I must admit that architecture without Feng Shui is ‘blind’ and I hope that in the future the Art of Feng Shui will be used on a wider scale in urban planning and all building developments for the benefits of us all and our planet. This is my dream.

–Ewa Szymura

“I had the pleasure of attending Marlyna Los’s one-day seminar “Move your stuff, change your space, change your life” on October 14th. Marlyna had previously come to our home to do a Feng Shui assessment. Her in-home assessment was extremely insightful and I was surprised and impressed with her expertise and the way she customized her Feng Shui feedback based on our personal charts and life goals.

I was looking forward to attending the seminar to learn more about changing my space to change my life. I particularly appreciate Marlyna’s common sense approach, while imparting her immense knowledge on the subject matter. The course was filled with practical information I could apply immediately to change my space and move forward in my life.

Thank you Marlyna for your dedication and caring for people and the passion you obviously have for the subject matter. I recommend her training to anyone looking to learn more about their life path and how to use Feng Shui to improve their life.”

–Michele La Vie

Paola A. Gomez-Perez, Master Feng Shui Practitioner

“I have studied under several masters in the past but I must say that studying with Marlyna Los has made everything “click” for me. Her kindness, knowledge, expertise and passion for the subject are palpable. I knew all the basics before and I thought I knew the applications. Marlyna made it real. They are not just a bunch of complicated formulas to me anymore. They have the potential to transform lives. Thank you also for bringing a human and spiritual side to this subject. Life changing for me.”

–Paola A. Gomez-Perez, Master Feng Shui Practitioner

Brian Kozak, Blueprints Fengshui

“I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for your recent Feng shui Mastery program. The level of knowledge you bestowed onto us was incredible. The material was easy to follow and put together in such a way that gave ah-ha moments over and over again. Over the course of the 3 weeks, you created an environment which allowed us to feel at ease in learning such complex topics while being able to open up and share our lives with others, some who were complete strangers, but are now people I have the privilege to call friends, thx to you. I can’t go on enough about how much I enjoyed this class. So much so that on the last day I felt nostalgic and a bit sad to see it coming to an end, but as you said, it really is just the beginning. Each time I have the opportunity to learn from you I grow more and more, not only in my professional but my personal life as well. Since attending your course I have felt some kind of shift within my own life and I am extremely excited about what the future holds. You truly are an inspiration and I am very grateful to be able to call you my teacher, my sifu, and my friend. Thank you again for hosting such a wonderful class and I look forward to continuing to learn from you.”

–Brian A. Kozak, Blueprints Feng Shui

Minh Ta, Realtor

“I just completed the 3 week intensive Classical Feng Shui Course hosted by Marlyna Los and I can’t say enough about the course. Marlyna has the natural skill of teaching a complicated subject and making it easy to understand and practise. Her teaching style is organized, systematized and full of depth and insight. I was amazed to experience a great teacher who genuinely cared about her students. I would definitely recommend her to anyone who cares to learn the real Feng Shui for their business or personal lives. She has forever changed the way I looked at my environment.”

–Minh Ta, Realtor – Remax Little Oak

“Studying Bazi in Vancouver, Canada while pregnant over the summer was one of the best decisions I could have made. Besides being very knowledgeable on the topic, Marlyna is a great teacher and helps you understand and decode this complex subject. She is caring and nice toward her small group of students, making the classes feel intimate and easier to learn, analyze, and understand each other’s chart. Learning Bazi is truly amazing and fascinating – especially doing it in a beautiful city with nice weather,  first world accommodations, and where I can combine studying while taking a nice vacation. It’s a winning combination. It’s nice to have great Chinese Metaphysics teachers on the western side of the world making it more accessible for me to study and spread this powerful topic.”

–Paloma Gallardo Hvide, Classical Feng Shui Consultant

“I had the pleasure of taking the Feng Shui, Ba Zi, & Practitioner Mastery Program with Marlyna this past July 2016.  It was an honour to learn from a Master such as Marlyna – she has a patient and thorough teaching style rich with powerful information and real life examples, questions and case studies that help students to absorb the material.  Marlyna has a genuine interest in helping each student to achieve their objectives, whether to practice Feng Shui professionally or for personal use.  She also promotes a high level of ethics and compassion in how the information is used & delivered given the transformational nature of the practice.  I highly recommend studying with Marlyna – it is a huge bonus to have someone of her caliber here in Vancouver – if you are curious about Feng Shui, definitely connect with Marlyna.”

–Katherine Willems, Registered Interior Designer

“I am most grateful for Marlyna’s 3 week class on the principles of Feng shui, including the Ba Zi, Advanced 8 Mansions, 5 Element Theory and Flying Stars. I consider this a gift to have this opportunity to immerse myself into this work with Marlyna. Her gift for teaching a complex, multi-layered and ancient system in a manner that is clear, concise and approachable is a testament to her immense knowledge and passion for the subject. Her generosity with her time and materials were delivered with humour and warmth and I’ve come away inspired to continue practising and learning more. Thanks so much Marlyna!”

–Lynne Russell

Vu Le, RMT

“Thank you for being a great teacher Marlyna. Your in-depth knowledge of Feng Shui and Ba Zi truly amazes me. I was so impressed with what you knew about me and my life that I would never, ever disclose to anyone. Your words of wisdom have left an imprint in my mind and paved a clear path of where and how to live my life. Taking your Feng Shui Mastery Program is one of those decisions I wished I’d made sooner.

–Vu Le, Registered Massage Therapist

“Two years ago I moved into my house in the forest and have enjoyed enhancing it and making it feel like mine. I was enjoying my home when all of a sudden it felt stale and almost vacant. This environment was not at all what I was hoping to achieve. I had heard of Feng Shui in passing and thought I would give it a try.

I contacted Marlyna to Feng Shui my home and I followed the detailed steps she instructed me to do to my rooms and outside areas of my home. I completed all the changes that Marlyna advised me were required. My fabulous personal relationship got even better, my phone was ringing with many past clients reconnecting resulting in increased business, and the overall feeling in the house was most pleasant and joyful.

I found the process of Feng Shui that Marlyna uses very exciting and decided to enroll in her 3 week Full Feng Shui Mastery Course. Marlyna is a very gifted teacher who is extremely patient and her knowledge of Feng Shui is limitless.

I am so excited about my new found Feng Shui knowledge. Until I took the course I thought it was all about decorating. I have gone from thinking Feng Shui was decorating to wow, it is so much more involved and based on math and the constellations.”

–Caree Walker

Shelly Buckland, 30DayWebsites

I was truly amazed and impressed with the reading I received from Marlyna. She was so accurate with my personality it was incredible, and she told me how I can use my positive aspects to further myself and she made suggestions on what I can do to help overcome of the not so positive. One of the main reasons I went to Marlyna was to find out what my future held. I am in business for myself, and she already knew that I had been struggling this past year. I was so happy to learn I am going into a positive cycle and things are going to be ‘prosperous’ for me going forward! I am defiantly going to Marlyna again, she is amazing!”

–Shelly Buckland

Laura Henry

“I have had the incredible pleasure of knowing Marlyna both professionally and personally for at least 13 or 14 years. As a person, she is kind, warm-hearted, intelligent and compassionate. Nothing one could ask her regarding Feng Shui is too far below her impressive intellect to be answered in a kind, patient and easily understandable manner. I have always found her to be clear and honest in her dealings with her personal life as well. I have the utmost respect for her both professionally as well as personally. I have not met many people in my life who I regard as highly as I do Marlyna.

In that time, I have had my personal Bagua chart, business, life and “destiny” charts read by her a few times as well as taken many courses with her. Her knowledge is absolutely staggering, but she has the unique and rare ability to bring it down to a layperson’s understanding in order to make it crystal clear to anyone to comprehend Feng Shui, which is the sign of a true Master. She is never condescending, but always patient, kind and truly helpful. She is a true gift to study and understanding of Feng Shui and channels the information effortlessly and does not stop until the student comprehends it completely.<

I would recommend her to anyone wishing to learn about the Great Science of Feng Shui or wishing to obtain any type of reading of the same. Either is a gift coming through Marlyna that no-one should deny themselves even once. I am glad that I have given myself that gift and that I can call her my friend. We have gone for long periods without seeing each other, but when we have seen or spoken with each other, we are friends once again and that is a true gift for me, that I am very thankful for. She is Feng Shui’s gift to the world and she should not be missed!”

–Laura Henry

“Marlyna gave us suggestions with respect to the sale of our existing home and based on her help, we received the offer we accepted on the first open house. The house sold for more than our asking price based on her know-how including energy flow in the universe to predict the right timing. Marlyna brings expertise in a wide variety of areas to help her clients. She also has a keen sense of understanding the client’s nature and incorporating her observations into designing a customized plan utilizing her wide variety of skills. We are very happy with Marlyna’s suggestions. We endorse Marlyna wholeheartedly to friends and acquaintances. We look forward to using her skills in designing our new home.”

–S & S Makker

“We hired Marlyna to evaluate the Feng Shui in our home that was on the market for a year and a half. She gave us some tips on how to correct the problem. The home sold 3 days later! We couldn’t believe it!! We will be using Marlyna’s services for our next custom home. We highly recommend her!

E & S Hartman

Working with Marlyna has supported me to implement change in my life around home, work, parenting, and lifestyle that were not happening, as I was stuck in indecision. Marlyna has helped me appreciate that small changes, done with intention can lead to better support for myself and create the necessary space to make plans and implement decisions that are proactive, rather than reactive. I am enjoying my life more and feel now more capable of making long-term decisions than I did a year ago.”

–Cheri Rauser

Dale McGauran, Realtor

“I have completed two x one-day workshops with Marlyna Los related to staging and real estate, which was my first introduction to Feng Shui. Marlyna is an internationally recognized authority on Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology. She has also studied with Joey Yap, the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and an author of over 60 books on Feng Shui. I also attended a two-day seminar with Marlyna and Joey Yap in March 2015– Astrology and Feng Shui for real estate. After this last seminar in March, I asked Marlyna to come to my home, read my Astrology chart and Feng Shui my condo.

Marlyna’s knowledge, passion, energy, intuitive ability and appreciation of Feng Shui are unbelievable. Even though I am still a novice, she has taught me so much and I am very grateful to have had this opportunity.

Feng Shui has made such an incredible difference to all of my listings and also provided my clients with an “added value” to their listing. I have been intrigued with Feng Shui since being introduced to it by Marlyna and Joey Yap, but I have to say that I became even more excited after Marlyna came to my home. She changed my life – and everything in my home! I believe that I have much more balance in my life now, but the smallest change had the biggest impact on my life. Can you believe it – my bed was on the wrong wall! That simple move changed my sleep! Much longer sleeps and very peaceful.

Thank you Marlyna.”

– Dale McGauran, Realtor

Annette Blenkarn, Business Strategist

With the changes Marlyna recommended for my space, the feel of the space INSTANTLY shifted. Many clients in the days following asked what I did to make it feel so much more inviting – they couldn’t put their finger on it as they were incremental changes, but BIG in energy.

This resulted in a noticeable boost in revenue. About 1-2 weeks after integrating some key recommendations, I experienced thousands of dollars of unexpected income arriving out-of-the-blue effortlessly. And it hasn’t slowed down, more unexpected income keeps showing up. What I really love about Marlyna, is she tells it like she sees it. If you are in a good income cycle, she’ll tell you and help you amplify that energy. If you are in a more stagnant income cycle, she’ll tell you and help you displace that energy. I highly recommend Marlyna, you will receive a ROI on your investment in her services.

– Annette Blenkarn, Business Strategist

Sonja Picard, Fine Jewelry Designer and Artist

Marlyna encompasses great depth and insight for both residential and commercial space. I have used her services since 2003. Her assessments are so thorough and filled with information supporting the changes needed. Once the changes are in place I have always noticed an incredible shift of energy and abundance after all the requests are fulfilled. I have recommended Marlyna’s services to many of my colleagues who are impressed and satisfied with her services. 

Personally, I love the science of Feng Shui and have integrated its art form into my environment for years. I had Marlyna do our house early spring and her reading, care and attention to detail were amazing…along with being very impressed with her knowledge she also thoroughly followed up. I highly recommend these courses for your info, or better yet have Marlyna do a consult for your home or business.

– Sonja Picard, Fine Jewelry Designer and Artist

Resland Development Corp

Marlyna with her Feng Shui Consulting initially saved me from a very costly mistake in business, by showing me the fact that I had to look not only at the location of the business but who would operate it and how they would relate to me.

More recently consultations have helped me understand the necessity of having doors located in the right area of a building and what type of customer I want to bring in (what is my market) and how to attract them. On the same project, you showed me how to minimize the effects of a bad external environment such as ugly hydro lines and at the same time make a very desirable entry into the project.

Feng Shui has helped me relate far better to my customers, employees and partners as what to expect of them and when. I now know their most productive times and also how to get the most productivity out of them for maximum return. The side benefit to this is that I have a much more satisfied group of employees and partners.

By understanding the overall energy of the times it has showed me at which times to be a little more aggressive and at which times to be cautious in my investment decisions.

I am now about to embark on a property buying spree and syndications based on Feng Shui analysis and my 40 years experience. Now all the properties I buy will have the right energy and I then can know my target resale market before I buy.

– Bob Carpenter, President, Resland Development Corp

Sue Womersley, Interior Decorator, Member BC Chapter

Decorating and Feng Shui in the Corporate Office I was very excited to be invited recently by Feng Shui Master Marlyna Los to a corporate consultation. A very forward thinking CEO hired Marlyna not only to make recommendations for the entire office space; including reception, two board rooms, lunch room, shared space and executive offices, but also to use the time as a team building exercise where she spoke for an hour about Classical Feng Shui and then chatted further over lunch (Chinese food, of course). I discussed very briefly how an individual office space reflects them and how they may be perceived by clients, co-workers and the boss. In addition, individual consultations were given to all of the staff to improve their personal offices. As an Interior Decorator and a student of Marlyna’s, I was to help incorporate her Feng Shui recommendations into the décor as well as select paint colours suitable for their corporate culture and elements. In Classical Feng Shui, Chinese Four Pillar Astrology takes individual birth charts to determine a person’s best elements, best directions and luck cycle, among many other things. During each personal consultation, Marlyna went over their chart with them, and people were repeatedly surprised at how much Marlyna could determine about their lives from her insight. We then made suggestions to each person and followed up with a written report. It was very rewarding to go back to the office a week later to complete the consultation and already see some of the suggestions implemented.

– Sue Womersley, Interior Decorator, Member BC Chapter

Dr Lily Chung

“The 4-Pillar is the best known and most powerful divination system worldwide. The many who have benefited from its power credit it as the only divination system that makes sense. How could the 4-Pillar from its obscure Asian homestead for more than a thousand years to stand on a global pinnacle in 20years? Two forces, the yin and the yang, have made it happen. First, starting 1984, a group of entrepreneurial and mobile feng shui practitioners zealously made it visible and glare to students worldwide. In 1997, a book, THE PATH TO GOOD FORTUNE (by Lily Chung) outfitted 4-Pillar in its proper attire, together with its vital tool (the converted lunar calendar) and a creative procedure with worksheet. It became the yin force to provide a foundation for the 4-pillar to grow.Marlyna Los became my student in 2000. Being convinced of the power of the 4-pillar, she speedily organized phenomenal workshops on my behalf from 2001 to 2006 in Vancouver and Victoria. The good work of our workshop on the 4-pillar spread to Saskatoon in 2002. She also traveled to New Zealand and Australia in 2005 to spread the gospel. The seed she planted is now blooming in New Zealand! Her relentless growth from our workshops, her own practice, and frequent classes had finally landed her a top notch in the field. She was crowned the Queen of the 4-Pillar among other global feng shui students in a study tour to China in 2006. As a result, she was invited to lecture/class workshops over a few foreign locations. Above all, her great work in Western Canada has put the 4-Pillar in a position as “The Only Astrology System That Makes Sense”. She has provided a healthy yang force to make the 4-pillar grow and grow! I am proud and confident of the proficiency in 4-pillar that Marlyna has achieved. In fact, I am not aware of anyone in the western world has reached her profession level on the field. Officially, she is my best student; occasionally we exchange knowledge for mutual growth.”

– Lily Chung, PhD

I spent 6 full days working with Marlyna on Four Pillars and Flying Stars. She is an amazing teacher, who took me from where I was knowledge-wise and moved me so much farther along during those 6 days that it really was incredible! Marlyna has the ability to make feng shui come alive, to be clearly understood, which allowed me to take so many different aspects into account without confusion. Feng Shui is a complex subject to study, as any serious student knows, and Marlyna broke it down so that I could see the interplay of the various parts clearly. She is truly a gifted, patient teacher. She shared with me in such a generous way during our time together, giving me insights into her practice and the business side of feng shui as well. I left her knowing that I now have the tools to understand the dynamic nature of feng shui. I look forward to working with her again! I have found a wonderful teacher, and that is a true treasure.

– Karin Hobman

Marlyna’s Feng Shui consultation was simply amazing! My family and I experienced immediate changes that were remarkable. It might be hard to believe that changing the flow of energy in one’s home could have such a profound impact on everyone – but it has! With a few small adjustments and recommendations, Marlyna made our living space feel better! What also became noticeably evident was how our interaction with each other improved. Everyone began to express their ideas, emotions, and feelings which has created such a meaningful exchange and dialogue. Our new and improved level of communication with each other is noticeably evident at our dinner table every evening. Before our Feng Shui experience, very little conversation or expression occurred at all! Now, we all have so much to say!! As a parent of two adolescent boys who have had significant and ongoing challenges with social interaction and verbal expression, the change has been nothing short of miraculous! Thank you Marlyna for your insight and wisdom. You have helped facilitate a harmonious flow of energy in our home and opened us to a new level of awareness and understanding.

– D.K.

Resland Development Corp

Over the last 6 years Marlyna Los has been doing Feng Shui consulting for myself personally and my development company Resland Development Corp. Recently we had her go to Brandon to look at a conversion of two buildings into a 94 unit residential development. Location of the front door/doors, what kind of entry look, decor in the units, and what customers demographic we could expect to attract are just some of the concerns we wanted Marlyna to address. As in past projects we expected to enhance our curb appeal and make the buildings feel like home or as she says have the right energy to attract our customers.

– Bob Carpenter, President, Resland Development Corp

Karen McGregor Creator of The Rock the Stage Speaking Program for Entrepreneurs

I am so happy to have made the decision to work with Marlyna as her expertise has proven to be invaluable! In just two sessions, she gave me more information about my life cycles, current challenges and the status of my home than I had in my entire lifetime – information that was not only accurate; it was essential to making successful financial decisions, design decisions, real estate decisions and health related choices. I feel that my life has auto-corrected by implementing the suggestions Marlyna provided – thank you so much for your deep wisdom and practical processes Marlyna!

– Karen McGregor
Creator of The Rock the Stage Speaking Program for Entrepreneurs


Cahute, Larissa. “The Province – Feng Shui for the Market.” Marlyna Consulting. The Province, 28 Aug. 2012. Web. 30 July 2014.

Leung, Wency. “Chaos Out, Serenity In: How to Create a Harmonious Home.” The Globe and Mail. The Globe & Mail, 01 Apr. 2012. Web. 30 July 2014. 

Los, Marlyna. “Speaker Videos.” BUILDEX Vancouver. Global News, 12 Apr. 2012. Web. 30 July 2014.

Nyren, Ron. “Building in Harmony with Surroundings.” Urban Land Magazine. Urban Land Magazine, 27 Mar. 2014. Web. 31 July 2014.

Romei, Loren. “Find Feng Shui This Spring.” The Viberant Life. The Vibrant Life, 2 June 2014. Web. 06 Aug. 2014.

Tse, C. “Classical Feng Shui Tips Add Zen to Your Living Space.” Recipes, Healthy Living, Home Décor, Vancouver Restaurants. BC Living, 26 Jan. 2012. Web. 30 July 2014.