Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:

Beginners 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon Annual Feng Shui & BaZi Class

Marlyna Los · October 23, 2023
  • You must enroll in this course to access course content.

February 10th 9:30 am – 3:30 pm PT

2024 The Year of the Wood Dragon. Reset, Endings and Beginnings.

The world is changing as we know it; a major shift is taking place. We are entering a new 20-year cycle beginning in 2024 known as Period 9.

Period 9 in Chinese Metaphysics is represented by the Li Trigram. The Li trigram is associated with the element of fire. It embodies the energy potential of illumination, warmth, transformation, passion and clarity. Awareness is the key to positive change. Understanding the Li Trigram and its impact to your Personal Astrology is integral to developing your Best Strategies for 2024 and future 20 years.

Global predictions indicate a volatile and unpredictable upcoming year. The good news is 2024 is a year of Solutions. The bad news is there will be many problems that require solutions. The world is changing as we know it. The opportunity continues to literally change karma and karmic patterns. A new consciousness is emerging. When we hold onto negative emotional patterns, they keep repeating until we choose to heal them. While the energy of transformation has been with us since. 2017. 2024 is the year of new positive beginnings for those who are open and ready.

2024 is the year of Redesigning with Consciousness your Future.

It’s a time for Observation, Introspection and Awakening. What are you Awakening to? What are the best strategies for you to take going forward as it relates to the energy of the year?

For me, the preparation for this annual Feng Shui & Astrology class is a highlight of the year. It’s fulfilling because I love critical thinking, planning and seeing the possibilities with the change in energy coming towards us. Astrology is a tool that gives us insight to the vibrational influences that affect each of us and each year offers a collective as well as individual possibilities. If you want to actualize something different, you have to DO something different. It requires ACTION. What strategies do you need to get ahead?

In this annual class, you will learn:

  • Career, health, business and global trends for 2024
  • See how the Wood Dragon annual energy will affect your personal BaZi astrology chart
  • Identify your career advancement / business opportunities and best strategies for 2024
  • Wood Dragon is considered a spiritual pillar. We will cover best strategies for supporting your personal growth in 2024
  • Best financial opportunities to increase your income for 2024
  • Feng Shui do’s and don’t for 2024. Identify what sectors in your home or business to activate for the best individual health, wealth and relationship opportunities. What to avoid and what to enhance.
  • Activations and dates for Auspicious Feng Shui, Power and Wellbeing

As we sojourn into Age 9 and the Age of Light, this is a great opportunity to Be Your Best You and Live Your Best Destiny by raising your vibrations.

No previous knowledge in Feng Shui or Astrology is required for this course.  It is open for anyone who wishes to improve their personal and business life. The only requirement is an open mind and willing heart with a desire to learn.

A fun day of inspiration and learning!

Price $68

It will be recorded and available for replay. 

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Beginners 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon Annual Feng Shui & BaZi Class
