Living With Purpose is a membership-based community designed for those who seek to connect with their soul’s purpose and embrace a life of abundance, clarity, and empowerment.
Living With Purpose is a membership-based community designed for those who seek to connect with their soul’s purpose and embrace a life of abundance, clarity, and empowerment.
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July: The Darkness and the Light of July – Metal Goat Month

Dear Friends,

Welcome to my monthly newsletter, where I aim to inspire, encourage and support you towards building your dreams and finding happiness and success.

In recent weeks, I’ve been reminded that time stands still for no one – not for you or me.  The sun still rises and sets, the moon waxes and wanes, the cycles of birth and death continue, and we are all at its mercy and effect?  Or are we? While we cannot change the patterns of the sun and moon, we can learn to work with them.

We are beings of consciousness. We have the ability to use our consciousness to work with time and to use time to our advantage.  In fact, that is why we are here: to awaken and learn how to connect, and use ‘energy’ to support ourselves in living our best life. Part of awakening is recognizing we are beings of energy who attract, emit, respond, and choose to align ourselves with forces of growth, love and like-minded people.  The first step is awareness.  Awareness is already curative.

July 5th, marked the beginning of Metal Goat month.  The image is of buried treasure, a very interesting pillar.  Gordon Ramsay, Lady Gaga, Eckhardt Tolle and Jeffrey Epstein were all born on a Metal Goat Day.

The energetic themes for the month are decay, emotional honesty, power, resistance and getting rid of what doesn’t serve you.

It’s important to note that if you are resistant to change, you are essentially “saying no” to the universe.  Even though the next few months could present challenging opportunities, it’s not a time to be fearful. It just is. For some, this resistance will lead to what seems like “Wake Up” calls.

The times we are living in are our collective and individual WAKE UP CALLS.

What are you being asked to wake up to?  I believe we are being asked to raise our vibrations to our purpose, our strengths, our challenges, and more importantly, to wake up to what energy we are putting out into the collective field of energy.  It’s a conscious choice to be a part of the solution or part of the problem.

You see, our collective wake up call is that we are all connected and that we are the co-creators of our lives. There is no accident you are here right now.

What did you learn from the past couple of years?  What would you have done differently in retrospect?  What direction are you going in now?   Are you stuck, or can you envision a way forward?

The main theme and opportunity for July is “What is your relationship to Power?”  The first step is to honestly look at what power means to you and how you use it?  Do you see power as positive or negative?  Do you speak your truth? Do you live by your values authentically?   And what do you need to do to have more power.

Power can be different for everyone.  Power can be viewed as time management, self love, managing your thoughts, healthy relationships.  Do people listen to you?

Where do you give your power away?  Watching TV, not speaking your truth, eating foods that aren’t nourishing, not getting enough sleep, hanging out with negative people are just a few places to look.

With June 21st having been the Summer Solstice, we have entered into the Yin part of 2024. If you are doing inner personal work, you will be fine, perhaps just uncomfortable.  For those of you who want things to go back to the same, I expect the next few months to be a challenge.

Metaphysics is a tool that can support you through these times.

Have you had an in depth reading done recently?  What are your strengths?  What lessons does your birth chart reveal for the remainder of the year?  What strategies are best to work with now in order to transcend and move forward towards your destiny.   All readings done in July and August will get personalised Feng Shui Activation dates included as a bonus.

July is a powerful month energetically to set your intentions, take action and consciously CHOOSE the life you wish you live.  Keyword is Choose. You have to consciously choose and then take action.

We have many courses and tools to support you. Also here’s an article I wrote some time ago that you may have missed but  is relevant now.
Love & Light,

#GetInspired #TakeAction #SetGoals #ManifestTheLifeYouDeserve #TogetherWeAreMore

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