Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
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Feng Shui Mastery Course in Vancouver Update

Feng Shui Course Vancouver

The sun has been so giving to us these past few weeks! I hope you’ve had the opportunity to set aside time for self-growth. It’s been a busy but fruitful season, as we’ve just completed week 2 of my Feng Shui course in Vancouver  and are currently in the midst of the final week of my once a year 3 week Advanced Practitioners course.

Throughout my course, students have been experiencing huge insights, joy, tears, confusion, apprehension, resistance, vulnerability, and acceptance. In the end, I hope each student is equipped with the necessary tools to enable them to see and their transform lives. In the process of all of this, they have been making new friends too. So, what are they learning? Not just Feng Shui – I’ve been teaching them the tools on how to change lives, how to change Fate into Destiny.

Diving Deep Into Self-discovery

In the first week, I asked the students to think deeply and write down what they wanted in life. I encouraged them to go beyond simply noting things they wanted like a new house, car, or boyfriend – but to name feelings that each of their wants represented – feelings like security, peace, connection, love, inspiration, happiness.

I reiterated that over the entire course, I would be teaching them to see and analyse the energy of the environment they chose to live in. Furthermore, my students would be guided to see if it matched their desire.

Feng Shui Formulas from the San He and San Yuan schools

When I conduct a Feng Shui Consultation, I typically begin by analysing the space with the classical Feng Shui formulas. These formulas are derived from the San He and San Yuan schools. By following these formulas, my eyes are open to seeing patterns reflected in my surrounding environments. As a result,  I often see loneliness, chaos, struggle, and drama.

Teaching my students to read and analyse the energy of the environment gives them the opportunity to learn to choose differently. Is this easy for them to master in just a few weeks of instruction? No. It’s called a practice for good reason. I teach them the tools and, as they put the hours in working on something, they will get better and better.

Week 1 was Fundamentals and Foundations of Feng Shui – including Basic principles, forms and Ba Zhai and Flying Stars.

Week 2 was Chinese Astrology – What energy blueprint were you born with? What are your strengths, weaknesses and potentials and how can you work with them?

Week 3 was Date Selections, Advanced Feng Shui and Application

Are you considering joining me next year? Click here to view some of the highlights from our first week of class. We are right on the beach near Stanley Park in my hometown Vancouver, BC. Sometimes, studying Feng Shui can be difficult and challenging. However the experiences of walking on the beach by the sea wall is a great way to regroup and get centred.

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