Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
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The Importance of Good Feng Shui in Real Estate in Vancouver

Good Feng Shui in Vancouver

Real estate in Vancouver means serious business. An average detached home is currently selling for more than $1.6 million, a 2.4% increase from May 2017. Meanwhile, the average cost for an apartment is $701,700. Why do so many people from around the globe want to live in Vancouver? For starters, Vancouver has an abundance of natural beauty and comfortable temperate climates. And as a result, foreign buyers around the world are eager to live and own property in the beautiful city of Vancouver, with a huge demand from China.

Over the past few years, China has played a major role in shaping the framework of Vancouver’s housing market. Homes in Metro Vancouver worth $1 million or more, now constitute 73% of the housing marketing, in comparison to 23% in 2014. Vancouver’s real estate market is well aware of how good Feng Shui can make or break a sale with Chinese investors. This is where Feng Shui Consultants, like myself, can provide insight on ways to improve the Feng Shui of a building – from the early stages of construction, to the final stages in preparation for sales.

Vancouver, a City with Great Qi

Vancouver’s thriving real estate market can be understood through a Feng Shui perspective. The city’s location has great Qi because it is surrounded by mountains, water and many islands. One of the most distinct characteristics of good Qi and Feng Shui is wealth. Despite global recessions and fluctuations in the housing market, Vancouver remains one of the top globally sought-after places to live in. Vancouver has continually ranked as one of the top cities worldwide for livability and quality of life.

To understand why people choose to live in one place over another, we look to Vancouver’s most expensive properties found in West Vancouver, the British Properties, and by the water on the West Side. Housing costs in these areas are easily double, if not triple the price of housing in Richmond (no mountains and flat), central Vancouver and North Vancouver. From a Feng Shui perspective, we are able to see and understand why West Vancouver properties are valued at a higher cost. To bring it all together, take a look at these pictures to see what I mean.

Real Estate in Vancouver 1

Real Estate in Vancouver 2

Vancouver’s British Properties and the West Side

As you can see, the British Properties and the West Side are nestled on a macro level near a large body of water. The shape and configuration of the landforms are intricate and beautiful. While the rest of Vancouver is attractive, it does not contain the same amount of Qi, and thus reflects the lower property values.

I love using Vancouver’s real estate as an excellent physical example for demonstrating what good Qi looks like. While some of us may desire to be rich in real estate, for the most of us we strive to live happily and harmoniously. Despite our different outlooks on life, the bottom line is: we all need good Qi.

In Feng Shui, the belief is that 30% of your destiny is determined by where you live. I hope that as you continue to learn about Qi, you will be able to choose locations and spaces that best support your growth.


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