Real Estate and Feng Shui
If you or someone you know is a real estate agent in Vancouver and the lower mainland, chances are you have run into the term “Feng Shui” as it pertains to the purchase and sales of homes. Today, Asian buyers continue to dominate the Vancouver real estate market so it is no wonder that we have had a lot of real estate agents, as well as mortgage brokers, ask us how Feng Shui affects this target market’s buying behaviours. Many of these buyers take Feng Shui principles into consideration when it comes to the purchase of homes as well as the construction of new homes. Understanding Feng Shui gives you an advantage in today’s market and here’s how:
1. You get an understanding of what features your clients are looking for.
2. You learn what is real feng shui and what is just superstition – which is very beneficial knowledge to have as a salesperson.
3. You don’t waste yours or your clients’ time by showing them listings that you know they would not put an offer on.
4. You are able to provide your clients with value added service which your understanding of what is desirable in a listing.
5. You can identify changes that could be made to the home or the construction before hand so that you can offer suggestions to the client.
It takes more studying than just a few tips and tricks to understand how feng shui can help you increase your real estate sales this year, but the following are some very obvious things to avoid when trying to show listings within desirable feng shui practices. Avoid homes that have the following or suggest physical changes to the home if possible:
1. The house is on at a “T” intersection
2. The home is NEAR a hospital or cemetery
3. The home has a side entrance for a main door
4. There are many sloping ceilings
5. Beams or stairs are too close to the front door
Oftentimes, the Asian buyer will walk through listings with the features above and NOT make an offer. The ideal sales practice for a real estate agent is to avoid these features and learn more about what makes a home have good Feng Shui so that they can increase the chances of making more sales.