Living With Purpose is a membership-based community designed for those who seek to connect with their soul’s purpose and embrace a life of abundance, clarity, and empowerment.
Living With Purpose is a membership-based community designed for those who seek to connect with their soul’s purpose and embrace a life of abundance, clarity, and empowerment.
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Magnificent Mountains of China: My Feng Shui Excursion of 2016

Our world is truly a magnificent place, and I feel very lucky to have visited and studied Feng Shui in such ancient places of greatness; places with magnificent energy.

They say a picture says a thousand words, which is good, as words don’t do justice to my trip to China last week. My trip was a study trip with Joey Yap and 45 students from around the world.

In 6 short days, I visited several ancient villages and a dozen ancient temples sites known for their Feng Shui.

I visited WenZhou, the Yangdang and Wudang mountains, as well as Wuhan and Xianggang. The largest Taoist complex in the world is located in the heart of the Wudang mountains.

I meditated on meridian spots and dragon veins as well as saw magnificent mountain formations that I am sure I will be processing for weeks to come.

We studied San He Feng Shui – which is the most powerful and oldest form of Feng Shui. San He Feng Shui is the study of forms and then using formula to tap into the forms.

All the buildings you see in the pictures below are built in areas of dragon veins and meridian spots and then oriented with formula to tap into the existing formations.

With every location came stories of how the temple or village located there had ‘produced’ general and high ranking officers or monks.

After several trips with Dato Joey Yap to both Malaysia and China – I can now see the Feng Shui of land formations.

It was incredible to see how the Feng Shui of specific wood and water mountains produce scholars, metal mountains produce generals, and how the rocky mountains produce monks. I could feel the difference of Qi in each location.

I saw the “Seated General” and “Fairies Bridge” and “Praying Palm” “Pen Holder” and “Saddled Horse” landforms and can now identify their respective Feng Shui significance.

It was humbling to have visited such beauty.
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Feel free to comment below and ask questions about my trip or the pictures. I’ve witnessed and learned so much and I’m happy to share.

In the meantime. it’s time to get ready for my upcoming summer courses.

I’ve come home to Vancouver feeling inspired, happy, and excited to share even more the Feng Shui knowledge I learned on this trip so that I can further help people live better and easier lives. I’ll be incorporating much of what I learned into my summer Feng Shui Mastery Program. I’d be honoured if you could join me. Interested? Click here.

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