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Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
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The History of Feng Shui – Burial Feng Shui

My first real introduction to Burial Feng Shui was 2006 on a Feng Shui tour of China.

I had read in my early studies on the subject and theory of Burial Feng Shui back in 1995, yet it wasn’t until I travelled in China in 2006 and studied with a local Feng Shui Master in Chongqing that the subject got my attention.

It was an introduction that made me say… “Hmm, really? I need to learn more!”

What is Burial Feng Shui?

It’s an involved practice, which includes finding and selecting auspicious burial sites, precise measurements to get the tombstone facing the exact right direction and date selection to specific moments in time.

Yin House Feng Shui is applied to burial practices. It is the original Feng Shui and dates as far back as 1100 B.C.

According to the ancient Chinese, good Yin House Feng Shui influences the “luck” of one’s children and when done correctly lasts for several generations. It is believed that the effects of Yin House Feng Shui have more influence, are stronger and last longer than Yang House Feng Shui. Yang House Feng Shui being Feng Shui for the living.

My Real-World Introduction to Burial Feng Shui

Chongqing is a city in China located at the meeting points of the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers.

In 2006, this was the location of the world’s largest hydropower project, the ‘Three Gorges Dam’. While it was under construction (on the Yangtze River), 1.2 million people were relocated and displaced. 13 cities, 140 towns and 1350 villages were flooded in the process.

At the time of construction, Local Feng Shui experts had massive concerns about how the change in topography would energetically affect the surrounding lands.

They were also concerned about what the flooding of the graves would mean to the families.

If you were rich or the government deemed grave occupants famous or important enough, they were lucky enough to get re-buried.

The Feng Shui Master I was studying with did Yin House Feng Shui and he was personally involved in the Feng Shui aspects of relocating hundreds of graves.

He explained what he was seeing time after time. In the sites where the Feng Shui was good, the lineage and descendants of those who were buried were doing well and the sites where the Feng Shui was “windy, wet and considered poor”, the bones had actually disappeared along with the descendants.

Feng Shui and Western Burials

I asked what Feng Shui thought of scattering ashes. He said the classics clearly stated that whether the person is cremated or not does not matter. Rather, it is important that the ashes or body be actually buried in a location considered good Feng Shui so that when a body was buried with good Feng Shui, the descendants did better in life than the ancestors. Again – something that made me go hmmm.

The practice of Yin House Feng Shui is not just limited to China either. In Vancouver, you will find Feng Shui burial sites that have been approved by a local Master selling for upwards of $100,000.00.

Vancouver Burial Sites- Burial Feng Shui
Vancouver Burial Sites- Burial Feng Shui

These days, it is not uncommon in Asia for ancestors to be reburied by descendants seeking to improve their fortunes.

On one level, the whole practice is hard to fathom. Yet, since my trip in 2006, I have travelled a few times to China and Malaysia to study the Feng Shui of prominent grave-sites and temples.

Burial Site in China -Burial Feng Shui
Burial Site in China


Cemetary in Malaysia
Cemetary in Malaysia

My continued studies and personal experiences of burial sites that have good Feng Shui validate the truth of Burial Feng Shui and the direct correlation it has to the current descendants.

Regardless of your personal beliefs, the topic of Burial Feng Shui is an interesting one.
(main photo credit/source:

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  1. Marlyna
    This fascinates me. I’ve always felt something was not quite right with my mother being cremated and her ashes scattered as per her instructions – because at the time – 1983 there was an anti-cemetary mentality influencing these types of decisions. So there was no gravesite for her. Over the years I felt unable to visit with her as she was many kilometres in the bush near my hometown, and not easily accessible. When my father died in 2009 I did scatter his ashes near my mother, as per his wishes, but with the survivor benefit I purchased a cremation plot (that had not existed in 1983) and put the cremation container for my father there and placed a headstone for them both on that site.
    I went through the process of choosing the headstone what was on it for them both and after the ashes were scattered later that summer, we went to the cemetery, unlike with my mother. Now, when I go home I can go there and feel that I can connect in a way I could not before. And I know that is where they are even when I am in Vancouver.
    I know its not the same as the Chinese burial feng shui but it feels different than before. My maternal grandfather is buried there and his grave has always been a touchstone to my ancestors, even when a child going to the gravesite with my mother. Because he is a WWI veteran his plot is maintained by the government. My grandmother is in Medicine Hat and I’ve visited her grave. It was important for me to find her and the baby that is with her. I’ve fancifully thought of moving her to Enderby over the years to bring the family together. I guess its not that fanciful in Chinese culture.
    Thanks for the interesting blog.

    1. Hi Cheri, Your insights are interesting. I find the subject fascinating. I am so glad you find the blogs interesting. Take care. Marlyna

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