The Key Is Moving Through All This Together
Dear Friends,
Everyone is a bit scared, but we can be scared together and we can support one another. Be mindful of your thoughts, be mindful of your activities, choose actions that lift your heart.
I have had many students and clients call for help and insight in the last week. Fear and anxiety is running rampant. We are all looking for insight and answers and actions to what we can do to support ourselves, our families and loved ones during this time. Feng Shui and BaZi can help. During this difficult time I really want to help and make it easier for you. We can work online together to create a little more balance and peace in your life.
Gather your questions and concerns and send me an email To support you, I’m dropping my prices for Feng Shui and BaZi online consultations to half for the next few weeks. Let me help you with my tools to have the best energy possible for clear thinking and good health and positive energy moving forward.
Bruce Lipton, (who by training is a cellular biologist) wrote this week a beautiful message on how the energy of fear is more deadly than the virus. Please remember the truth of quantum physics, the most valid of all sciences on the planet: Consciousness is creating your life experiences! Are you being conscious of disease … or of health? When a person is in stress, the release of stress hormones (cortisol) shut down the immune system. Do what you can to reduce your stress levels. Stay safe, meditate, get enough rest and sleep, eat healthy foods, stay in touch and support your loved ones. We are all connected and what you focus on and give is what you get. More than ever in our lifetimes this lesson is so apparent. Practice our due diligence and keep an open heart and support yourself as best you can.
Remember to send out gratitude and prayers to all who are of service, there are many heroes out there. The key is moving through all this together.
Wishing you all Health, Happiness and Harmony,