Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
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Why Luxury Realty and Feng Shui Go Hand in Hand

Homes with bad Feng Shui sell for approximately 30% less than their surrounding homes.

This is a correlation I’ve discovered, and experienced, in my years of work with Vancouver realty. That’s a substantial difference when you’re looking at how many dollars that translates into. What influences this discrepancy? Factors like physical environment (land, water, buildings, roads, slope, etc), building design, shape, and orientation. Luxury realty developers have taken the cue and are including feng shui elements in their amenities and floor plans.

To understand the impact of Feng Shui on quality of life, and in turn wealth–or, luxury, I like to use the analogy of a garden.

Let me explain: When a seed has fertile soil, access to water and is protected from harsh weather, it thrives and produces a bigger yield. People are the same; we are just as much affected by our environment. Classical Feng Shui teaches us that where we live and work impacts 33% of the factors that influence our lives. It makes sense when you think of a garden, doesn’t it?

Years ago, I traveled through China for the first time studying Feng Shui. We traveled to different cities studying with different Feng Shui masters. In each city, the Master would point to various landforms of mountains and water patterns explaining that the energy of this city produced Olympic Athletes, or Nobel prize winners, or Army generals…or even millionaires. The implication was that there was a direct correlation between the energy of these environments and the types of success the people who lived in them enjoyed. This resonated with me. I had recently become more aware of the defining characteristics pertaining to the different places I’d lived; their high schools that housed explicitly more athletic, affluent, arts related or even crime related demographics within their walls. I was fascinated by all of this, and wanted to learn more.

Quantum physics proves what the ancient Chinese discovered centuries ago; everything is energy–it’s all connected, and as humans we are directly affected by these fields of energy.

Over the years as I’ve studied Classical Feng Shui, I’ve learned that it is largely a science. This science studies the shapes and directions of mountains and water in relationship to buildings. Furthermore, direct correlations between specific past and future outcomes can be observed–just like planting a seed at the right time, in the right soil during spring suggests a specific outcome.

There are two main schools of Feng Shui Form (San He) and Compass (San Yuan). One involves observation and learning how to read and interpret the environment and one involves using formula and a compass.

My expertise is in understanding these ancient formulas and transforming them into modern Western Application and understanding. Why? Because Feng Shui is a tool that can transform not only your personal life, but your business too.

Learn the Classical Feng Shui techniques that can be applied directly to your home or business–and how to apply them in just four days during my Feng Shui For Life course coming up at the end of November here.

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