Feng Shui 101: How to Select a House with Good Feng Shui
What would you do if your realtor called to tell you there is a house available in your price range in an area you like?
For many people, buying a home is a stressful purchase because they lack the confidence to make a good buying decision. And yet in my experience, it doesn’t have to be that way.
In order to ensure you’re confident you’re making a good decision when buying a house, you need to make sure you are getting a place with good Feng Shui.
In this post, I am going to walk you through the process of a professional Feng Shui Consultation with me and learn:
What you can do to identify and evaluate what is the basics for good Feng Shui in a home.
Step 1 – Before you even go look at the house, decide what is it you want? What kind of energy are you looking for a house to support you with? Do you want family and relationship energy or do you want financial asset building and money opportunity energy?
I am going to assume you want it all, that you want a home that has the type of energy that takes your life to the next level, enriches and deepens your personal relationships, allows you to grow in life and accumulate more assets. The energy of a home that supports an ambitious entrepreneur is different than a retired person looking to have strong, good health, and secured assets. Throughout this whole process, ask yourself as you look at landforms and site plans and building plans does this house have the energy to support my dreams. Sometimes this step alone is enough to open your “Feng Shui eyes” and guide you to the right decision.
Step 2 – The next step in evaluating the Feng Shui is to drive around the area where the potential new home is located. Drive around the area. Take note of what you see.
Step 3 – Do you see hills and natural water such as ocean or river? As a general rule, for a home to have good Feng Shui there must be real hills and ideally also real natural water formations within a 10km radius. On absolutely flat land there is a principle of Feng Shui called ‘Flat Land Dragons’ that experts use, but this is a sophisticated concept that required a trained eye and skill to use.
Assuming there are hills – what is the quality? In Feng Shui, we refer to hills and mountains as dragons. Have a good look at the surrounding land. Are the mountains healthy dragons or sick dragons? A healthy dragon has a growing and lush vegetation. Healthy dragons support animal life; do you see and hear birds?
It is so important to start out with good external forms rather than try to artificially create something. There are always recommendations we can do to soothe or ‘medicate’ the problem, but isn’t it better to not have the problem in the first place?
Step 4 – Check the plot of land and house. Look at a site plan. The site plan will tell you if the shape of the land has any obvious problems. We like square and wide rectangular land best. Check the soil, is it fertile or rocky? Fertile soil is an indicator of good Qi. If the land is good, observe the outside of the house. Ideally, it has a balanced and even look, versus fragmented and disjointed.
Step 5 – The House – assuming you have good forms and a good lot, meaning the land itself is capable of collecting and containing Qi, the next step is checking out the building itself.
For this, you need an accurate to scale floor plan. Using the stencil provided here, identify where North is and demarcate the 8 compass sectors onto your floor plan. It should look something like this.
Analysing the Sectors –
Each compass sector represents and governs the various areas of our life. When we identify the Feng Shui of each sector, it correlates to the quality of energy in those sectors of our life.
Here is a very short list of key correlations
- South: Element Fire: happiness and enlightenment: Physically – heart and eyes: inspiration and life transformation
- North: Element Water: wisdom and fear: Physically – kidneys, ears, blood: self-improvement
- West: Element Yin Metal: compassion and analytical thinking: Physically – mouth, throat and lungs: altruism
- East: Element Yang Wood: Positive thinking but also anger and frustration: sports & physical movement: Physically – feet, liver, and hair; positive thinking
- North East: Element Yang Earth: stability & security: Physically – back, nose and hands: body or mind improvement
- South West: Element Yin Earth: nurturing & reliability: Physically – stomach, abdomen, spleen: represents the matriarch:
- North West: Element Yang Metal: authority & decisions making, anything to do with control: Physically – head, brain, lungs: represents the patriarch
- South East: Element Yin Wood: kindness, positive thinking: Physically – hips, buttocks, and thighs: education
Observe what are the exterior environmental features in each sector? Are they positive or negative? Examples: a large hydro tower in the NW sector is going to undermine the authority and power of everyone particularly the father. A dead tree in the south could be blocking happiness and be an indication of heart disease.
An irregularly shaped floor plan indicates missing sectors. Missing sectors mean the energy associated with those sectors is not present in the house. Example: A missing SW sector indicates problems in Qi in the home where the mother is not supported and potentially is either gone often for work or a broken marriage.
When you analyze the sectors, you must understand that Feng Shui is going to reveal both positive and negative aspects to any home. And that’s ok. I have never seen a perfect home. Improving our lives is also a process. The idea is to find a home that takes your life to the next level, to improve what you have and makes it better.
So, you have checked the external environment and are happy that the area receives Qi from hills or mountains. The property has a good shape and shows positive indications that it is not being affected by surrounding negative features
Step 6 – The last step in the Feng Shui analysis of the potential new home is to look at the house itself. The key features that we focus on in Feng Shui for buildings are Main Door, Bedroom, Kitchen and Study Room / Home Office. We are looking for an interior layout that supports and taps into positive Qi and circulates it throughout the house so that all the residents will benefit. Interior Feng Shui, while secondary to Land Form Feng Shui, is the fine tuning on any real estate Feng Shui analysis.
The 6 steps I’ve outlined here are a basis for any professional Residential Consultation that I offer my clients. Essentially, I look for a property that is located in an area with good Qi and help my clients familiarize themselves with the surrounding environmental features.
Obviously, there is much more to consider than these steps. And many of my clients have looked to me as not only a Feng Shui consultant but as a Feng Shui teacher. I wrote my book – Feng Shui: Do You See What I See? exactly for this purpose, to help people see Qi and to analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with Classical Feng Shui.