Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
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Kuala Lumpur – Home of World’s top Feng Shui Consultants

I feel like Tom Hanks in the movie Terminal – you know, the one where he’s stuck living in an airport for a year.

Every morning, as part of my daily routine at home, I like to go for a walk – and this week instead of walking the beautiful streets of Vancouver, now I am walking indoors along the levels of The Gardens and Mid Valley Malls.

Definitely a tad “Terminal” and surreal.

I’m in Kuala Lumpur living in a hotel attached to two huge malls and the irony is that I’m here taking courses in Land Form Feng Shui. (San He and Qi Men Dun Jia)
6 courses over 4 weeks with Joey Yap and the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics.

The last 4 days were intense days of  Qi Men Dun Jia Mastery in Warcraft and Sage Path – learning ancient Daoist formulas and techniques.

It is no coincidence that Joey Yap and Lillian Too – arguably the two top Feng Shui Consultants, Practitioners and teachers in the world both have their headquarters located here at The Gardens Mall – North and South Towers here in Kuala Lumpur.

In Feng Shui – the energy of any building is actually determined by the “exterior forms”. I talk about this extensively in my book.

Feng Shui is all about the flow of energy (Qi) and Yin Yang, which comes from nature. You have to understand the principles of energy and utilise them to support you.” Joey Yap

Essentially, the positive Qi of the Mall is partly due to the natural Land Forms surrounding it (see my pic of the mountains below) and then it was enhanced and further developed with the assistance of Feng Shui.
Mountains surrounding the Gardens Mall Kuala Lumpur

It’s all about connecting Heaven, Earth and Man Energy

Step 1 was identifying good Forms- the mountain and water forms surrounding the Gardens Mall are referred to as ‘Superior Forms’.

Step 2 used formula with compass degrees to select the best locations and then set up the design and layout of office and staff.

Step 3 was using the right timing for action (connecting the energy patterns of time to earth and people).
So, even though I’m “stuck” living and studying in a Mall while I’m here in Malaysia, the energy here feels amazing… thanks to the Mall being developed using Feng Shui design principles.

Everything is life is an energy pattern – whether it’s time, space or the person. Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics is the study of all three.

Tomorrow, I begin 9 days of Feng Shui studies. I first took this class in 2011 and am excited to repeat it. The content is so huge – most senior students repeat 2-3 this course. First, 3 days in class studying theory –  San He formula and techniques including Water Dragon Formulas.

Next week, 6-days of onsite visits touring Joey Yap’s latest projects and seeing personally how he is tapping into the exterior forms of mountains and water with formula (to design malls, large developments, cemeteries and office towers).

Stay tuned for lots of pictures.
(image credit: KL Magazine)

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