Lecture for the Architectural Institute of BC
I recently had the honour of doing a lecture for the Architectural Institute of BC.
It was thrilling to share the stage with James Cheng, a renowned architect here in Vancouver. More and more building professionals are collaborating with me –and I have to admit it’s all a little surreal at times, but very cool.
The course is called: Understanding Real Feng Shui and its Impact on Architecture. My goal is to demystify Feng Shui and educate on the concepts and current applications of Feng Shui, as originally taught in the Chinese Classics.
Over the years I have learned to keep my lectures simple. The concepts of Feng Shui are both logical and abstract and it’s important to keep it as uncomplicated as possible so people grasp the basic concepts easily.
So what was included? I focused on the concepts of Qi and Yin and Yang.
Qi, pronounced Chee, is the basic life force. You see, once you understand Qi and what positive and negative Qi looks like in the environment, and what the effects are on people, going deeper will really make sense. I use lots of photos to illustrate good and bad Qi, how it collects, circulates. How it must not be squeezed or stagnant, or move too quickly in order to be beneficial.
When you understand what energy looks like by effect – and that we are all connected through the different types of Heaven, Earth and Man energy -you will live your life differently. You will make different choices.
Qi is born through the interaction of Yin and Yang, the second concept I’ll be covering.
Yin Qi governs people and Yang Qi governs the energy related to financial matters. When Yang Qi is in balance, we feel alert, and energized and opportunities come our way. Yin Qi in balance provides and energy that is restorative, calm, creative, relaxed. Symptoms of excess Yang Qi include anger, tension, frustration and accidents. When Yin Qi is in excess people are prone to depression, stagnation, lethargy and sickness.
At its most basic, good Feng Shui is about determining where there is Yin and where there is Yang within the external and internal environment –and matching the right type of Qi to the right function.
In summary, the success of Good Feng Shui is measured by where the design of a building captures Qi energy to nourish the financial, physical, mental and emotional health of the its occupants. A place with abundant Qi energy is more important than an aesthetically beautiful space.
This lecture is just a brief overview of the principles and practice that I teach in our Feng Shui courses. Registration for our East West Academy Mastery Courses will be opening soon. I invite you download the syllabus if you are interested in learning more.