Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
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Before you can change the world – first maximize your life.

“Discover your LIFE PATH and how to activate it. Learn the actions you can take, the skills you can acquire and the lessons you came to learn to empower your destiny.”

These are the very words recently inspired me to travel to Malaysia to study with Sherwin Ng.

He promised his course would offer a powerful life-changing experience – for both the beginner or seasoned student. He was right – his class was perhaps the most powerful metaphysics course I have taken in the last 30 years.

I had the privilege of meeting Sherwin 8 years ago when he worked with the Mastery Academy as a teacher, writer, and consultant. His background is in psychology.

And as a very young boy, his spiritual self-presented itself when he asked his parents when they would be sending him off to become a Buddhist Monk.

His class taught me many new things and also reminded me of many things I know and had forgotten. I was reminded of how the universe is always speaking to us, whether it be externally through physical signs or internally through our feelings. Essentially, metaphysics aims to get us in touch with our feelings with the ultimate goal of finding peace and bliss.

Sherwin taught a deeper way of looking at charts. With his teachings, I became clear on the next steps to take my family and business, my role in life, and how I can best support my clients and students. It’s a very good feeling.

Some of what these steps look like for me involves more teaching and passing on my knowledge, and supporting others with deeper destiny/ life readings/ consultations on a larger scale to help even more people.

Here are some my favourite insights from the course.

  • Understanding yourself is the key. We need to do our inner work.
  • Destiny is something you chose to create. Fate is you wait.
  • Activation is the art of awakening. Four Pillars and Feng Shui are tools to support this.
  • All metaphysics is just trying to teach you your feelings.
  • To make change in the world, you must first wake up to the process of Yin and Yang.
  • Life is about Push and Pull. Struggle is when you are supposed to push and instead you pull.
  • By understanding our Four Pillars Charts we can see what to do when.
  • Only when you are awakened can you truly affect things around you.
  • If you want to change your life, grow, become a better person.
  • We are born to master duality – the five elements. Wood is growth. Fire is happiness and fulfillment. Earth is stability, value, and abundance. Metal is purpose and contribution. Water is learning, experiences, and wisdom. By understanding ourselves and creating goals, we can manipulate our environment and our actions to get the results we desire.
  • All change is an opportunity – no change no opportunity. No change is comfortable. If you want something to change expect discomfort. When you understand the energy of time and how it affects you – you can manage your expectations and actions to be in tune with flow and get maximum results.
  • Real change comes from within. When you change yourself your Feng Shui will change to match you as well as the reverse – change your environment and you will change.
  • Let the land choose you. If your awareness is low, the best spot will not choose you. Giving resources to someone who doesn’t know how to use it is a waste.
  • If your destiny is not activated then the things you do drain you.
  • How you see the world is what you create in the world.
  • When you have awakened, the secrets of heaven and earth will come to you.
  • Learn to see the value in everything, even the things you don’t like. When we honour what is difficult, the transformation becomes easier.
  • Beautiful poem on the Tao: For someone who recognizes the Tao, a thousand things will change. For one who uses the Tao – many things will dissolve. For someone who enjoys the Tao like a holiday is eternal, the journey is eternal – nothing will die. The door into simplicity and constant change, to both is in the earthly eye. If you open the earthly eye you will see all these things.
  • When you are accommodating your weaknesses this is a form of self-pity.
  • If you cannot choose for yourself, there is no way you can change your environment.
  • There is no such thing as fate; there are always many possibilities.

I hope these snippets of what I learned inspires you to take action. Do you want to fully understand them and see where they relate to your life? Get in touch and we can book a personal consultation for you.

Aside from personal consultations, I am busy incorporating this new knowledge into my summer course material. Are you interested in feeling happier and having more flow in your life? Then join me this summer in my 5 day Feng Shui or 5-day Four Pillars BaZi course. Contact me here for more information.

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