Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
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How to See if Your Home Has Good Feng Shui

“Do I think this place has good Feng Shui?”

People often ask that me as I walk into a space to do a Feng Shui consultation.

My response is always, “How is your life?”

If you are unfamiliar with Feng Shui, that may seem like an odd response, but it’s important to understand that beautiful design and décor are not a guarantee for good Feng Shui.

In a home with good Feng Shui, the people living there are happy and healthy, the relationships are good, and finances are improving.

In a business with good Feng Shui the customers are satisfied and spend money, the staff works well together.

Essentially, a place with good Feng Shui is full of positive energy or Qi. And while the Qi is invisible, it’s effect is visible. An environment with good Feng Shui exudes growth and life. An environment without good Feng Shui it totally the opposite.

Feng Shui is not one size fits all.

Each of us has our own unique energy blueprint. In Feng Shui, we use BaZi, an oriental profiling method of analysis to determine what elements, directions and locations are best for you.

It’s simple – good Feng Shui means an environment filled with positive and supportive energy.

Some of this is common sense; imagine an uncluttered, clean, tidy, bright, open, spacious room versus a messy, dirty, dark, cluttered room. It is immediately obvious which room has better energy. Good Feng Shui means a home or business with positive energy, which in turn equals more opportunities and positive results for your efforts.

Classical Feng Shui goes far beyond the obvious.

We live in a world of complex magnetic and electrical energy fields. We all know that our bodies work on energy, and this energy is circulated by magnetic and electrical energy waves.

In Feng Shui, we see and interpret this energy in terms of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.
For example:

  • the energy by the ocean is Water Qi,
  • the energy up in the mountains is Earth Qi
  • the direction east is Wood Qi,
  • the direction west is Metal Qi.

Wood Qi is related to growth and education; Fire Qi is happiness, inspiration and passion; Earth Qi is integrity, reliability, and stability; Metal Qi is justice, fairness, logical and analytical thinking and Water Qi is wisdom, communication, and movement.

Feng Shui is not a magic cure-all, but the right environment will help you with more energy.  More energy means more opportunities in life as well as mentally and physically being your best so you can think clearly, know what you want, and have the ability to focus on completing the tasks at hand.

If depression, confusion, lack of motivation, laziness is a problem for you, your home may be contributing to the problem.

Remember, if you are feeling stuck and out of sorts, that an environment with positive Qi (good Feng Shui) can support you with more energy so that opportunities flow your way and you can be the best you can be.

Are you interested in a Feng Shui consultation but have questions about what that looks like? Email me and let’s set up a time to talk. We can discuss the process and what Feng Shui can do for you.

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