Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
Discover the secrets of Classical Feng Shui! My book “Feng Shui: Do You See What I See?” is an introduction and guide to practicing Classical Feng Shui. Learn to see, analyze, create, and choose auspicious properties and homes with classical Feng Shui methodology. Download here:
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My Top Takeaways from Joey Yap’s Visit to Vancouver

Joey Yap, one of the most respected, successful Chinese Metaphysics experts on success, business, and destiny was here in Vancouver educating us on how to positively transform our lives and create a better year. We had two full days with Joey, teaching us on how to create personal transformations and business and property investment success by interpreting our Chinese Astrology Bazi charts and how to activate our environments with Feng Shui.
Here is my list of top takeaways from the two days.

  • Better choices means a better year.
    • A better 2015 occurs as a result of better decisions. Every year Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology provide us with detailed information on the potential and probabilities of time and space in relation to us. We can then adjust our actions and locations to take advantage of the potential to be in “flow” in the different areas of our life (wealth, relationships, work, education, etc).


  • Change occurs in two ways
    • Something new comes in or something new comes out. 2015 the Year of the Wood Goat is energy that comes into you. This energy creates change for each of us.


  • Everything comes from the help of others.
    • Surround yourself with successful people and you will gain success as well.


  • When it comes to business, each of the Five Elements in our BaZi charts holds a different potential in 2015.
    • Depending on the strength and positioning of the different elements in our charts, we learned:
      • Water is the element of the solution and profit this year
      • the Wood element equals cash flow
      • the Fire element is about strategy and planning
      • the Earth element is connected to assets and
      • the Metal element is sales.


  • Problems can come to you in 3 ways:
    • Heaven (time)
      • This is the energy we are born with, our innate potential and characteristics but this energy is influenced by time. (We can not change this, but we can understand it and work with it.)
    • Earth (location)
      • Use Feng Shui to manage this aspect of your life.
    • Man (actions)
      • Our choices impact our lives, but understanding our strengths and the energies of time helps us make better decisions.


  • There is good fortune for some zodiac signs in particular.
    • Every year the 12 Zodiac animals contain different influences that are referred to as “stars.” This is a very general overview and Joey did not cover all the Zodiac signs. This year,
      • The Tiger, Rabbit, and Dragon have many positive stars this year. Anyone with these animals in their charts can expect opportunities and positive events to come there way.
      • The Pig, Dog, and Rat signs all contain this year’s wealth stars.
        • Lucky tip:  if you don’t have these in your chart, get to know someone who does.
      • The Tiger, Monkey, and Rat all have relationship stars this year. They will be more popular, romance may come their way, and they can expect more networking opportunities.
      • The Roosters must think before they act as there are no stars supporting them. This means CREATE YOUR OWN LUCK! Use Feng Shui and understand what your chart is telling you.
      • If your sign is not mentioned, Joey said they were neutral.


  • Choosing to live in a good area is more valuable than just direction and home factors.
    • Choosing to live in a good area determines 70% of your Feng Shui. Direction is another 10% and 20% is the factors of the home itself. Choose wisely.


  • Mountains are Yin and Water is Yang.
    • Yin energy is associated with females. Who gives birth? Females. Therefore, energy comes from Mountains and collects near Water.


  • A good location is determined by the qualities of Mountains and Water features.
    • When mountains and water energy is good, people will have money and stay for a long time.
      • The Yin Energy of Mountains governs people, health and relationships.
      • The Yang Energy of Water governs finance and business.
      • Residences prosper near mountains and businesses near water


  • There are 9 shapes of mountains but as a beginner we need to only focus on 3:
    • Earth – real estate (ie. Cypress Bowl)
    • Metal – authority & power (ie. Little Mountain/City Hall)
    • Wood – status/education/nobility (ie. West Side)


  • A Bazi chart is a profiling system not unlike the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Look for:
    • leadership skills.
    • entrepreneurial skills.
    • management skills.


  • Activate the noble sector
    • Using the noble man formula, we can activate that sector in our home or business bringing people into our lives that support and help us move forward.

Thank you to Joey and his team for visiting and sharing your knowledge! We hope to see you again next year.

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